Monday, June 23, 2008

It's that time of year again!

See you there!

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Ethan's New Brother -- Avery Elton Barber

Monday, June 02, 2008


Congrats to Evan Barber...the last of the "first" cousins. I noticed in The Bay City Times he graduated 8th in his class. That's great!


2 Kelley Rettger
3 Emily Grosart
5 Aaron Strouse
6 Dud Strauch
7 Skip Riffle, Ross Harmon
8 Shaft Jacobs
9 Michelle Christiansen, Ashley Barber
10 Mark Mogg
11 Kaitlin Langmaid
12 Kelly Christiansen, Tyler Rydman
13 Ellis Barber, Vickie Burley, Lyndsay Langmaid, Baylee Strouse
14 Mark Clark, Sara Standfest
16 Mark Carley
17 Lauren Jagger
18 Curt Wagner, Greg Hall
19 Michelle Schlosser, Tyler Hallead
20 Phillip Barber
21 Greg Moyland
26 Brenda Carley, Jennifer Dahlgren
27 Sandra Harmon